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District Spending Resources

Monthly Purchase Card Paperwork


Central Bank Statement Login

  • Add your user name and password by Central Bank.  The website link is in your user name email. 

  • Organization:  Hallsville

How to upload your receipts:

How to delete a receipt:

  • Transactions (Drop Down Menu) ->Transaction Management->Select Billing Cycle (example: 2/21-3/20)

  • Click Search-> Click in the notes section-> Receipts will come up in a green box at the top of your screen

  • Click Receipts->Click on the receipt you wish to delete->Click on Delete Receipts

How to code your purchases:

  • Transactions (Drop Down Menu) ->Transactions Management->Select Billing Cycle (example: 2/21-3/20)

  • ->Click Search->Go to the General Ledger box and click the Add button-> Your codes will pop up

  • ->Choose your codes->Add Notes about what you purchased->After you have coded everything, checkmark the top box next to review.  

Important Reminders: 

  • Statements are emailed to you on the 21st of each month.  All transactions must be coded and have the receipt uploaded by the 25th of the month. 

  • You are responsible for checking for taxes and coordinating the refund or paying the taxes. If you choose to pay the taxes, you need to turn in the money to your building level or department secretary.  A receipt will be provided.