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Public Participation


A period of thirty (30) minutes will be allotted to residents of the School District and staff to give the Board the opportunity to listen to citizens. The Board is very interested in citizen viewpoints and problems. We encourage citizens to work through problems at the building and/or administrative levels before coming to the Board. We ask that remarks be limited to three minutes and to one appearance, thus allowing a maximum number of participants in the allotted time period in which citizens are to speak to issues. Questions directed to the Board cannot always be answered immediately. All questions will be responded to by an appropriate person within the week wherever possible. Persons who wish to suggest items for the agenda should contact Board members or the Superintendent.

(Board Policy P 0412: Meetings Participation by Public)


The regular monthly meeting of the Hallsville R-IV Board of Education is a meeting in which the individual members of the Board of Education and the Superintendent are regular participants in an open public meeting. Other individuals, most frequently administrators and employees of the District, may be scheduled to make presentations as indicated on the agenda.

The school district policy provides that any concern should initially be addressed to the appropriate action level before coming to the Board of Education. As individuals and as a Board, we are interested in the issues and concerns of the patrons of our school district. We appreciate your interest in the education of our students.